IT’s for the Future of my Work

Desi Ratna Ningsih
2 min readJul 4, 2018


Today or five years from now, our workplace will be the change of the today, because IT will complete all of it. That’s a prediction that easy to say because given how rapidly changing technology, markets and employment. So, what will those differences actually look like? And which of today’s new technologies will have the biggest impact on the future?

I know about IT when I was Senior High School, at that time my teacher teached me about how to make a program with java programing language, and how to promote to the peoples. Then, I continue to study at a campus of technology, it makes me more knowledgeable about IT. firstly, I though IT just that people can make a program with a programing language, but I wrong, IT it’s more biges landscape. Finally, I can never stop learning because there is new information to learn every day. We must stay up to date on the latest trends and shifts in technology or competitors will benefit from their competitive advantage.

The more technological developments will often emerge, they will form a dynamic that we must stay alert to deal with. “Technology is going to change the workforce,” says David Burns, senior vice president and CIO of manufacturing and supply chain at GE. “As IT professionals, we need to figure out how to apply that technology to make people’s lives more efficient and manage changing demographics and changes within our industries.”

Robotic and Artificial Intelligence will change most job, because a concept of Robotics and AI sounds exciting. Many people believe that implementation of robotics and AI will lead to mass layoffs and unemployment. We have already found out how automated assembly lines were introduced. Now, with driverless cars, intelligent chatbots, and more knocking at the door, it may turn out that drivers and customer support agents are going to have a hard time keeping their jobs. Therefore we are required to know and learn about technology so that in the future we get a decent job.

So, master the technology, learn all the time about the new technology, whatever, that’s the best way for the peoples wants to work in IT.



Desi Ratna Ningsih

Data Science Enthusiast, Remote Worker, Course Trainer, Archery Coach, Psychology and Philosophy Student